
Monday, November 18th, 2013

‘Semele’ embodies the ethos of the KT Wong Foundation, fusing Chinese and Western cultures to create an innovative work of art that is accessible to and relevant for a global audience.

It set a new standard in the fusion of contemporary art and classical music while representing a unique cross-fertilisation between Chinese and European cultures.

In 2010 the opera transferred to China, taking centre stage at the Beijing Music Festival, and in May 2012 it premiered with the Canadian Opera Company in Toronto.

With talk of further performances across America and Europe, the Foundation’s production of Semele offers a lasting legacy to the cultural possibilities between China and the wider world.


So Far from Heaven: the KT Wong Foundation and Zhang Huan Reimagine ‘Semele’​

Handel’s opera presents the original Material Girl in the character of Semele

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